
* Twitch API & Chat in javascript.
* @author Skhmt
* @license MIT
* @version 5.0.1
* @module TAPIC

/* jshint
  esversion: 6,
  node: true

var __nodeModule__;
if (typeof module == 'object') __nodeModule__ = module;

/******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ 	// The module cache
/******/ 	var installedModules = {};

/******/ 	// The require function
/******/ 	function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {

/******/ 		// Check if module is in cache
/******/ 		if(installedModules[moduleId])
/******/ 			return installedModules[moduleId].exports;

/******/ 		// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
/******/ 		var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {
/******/ 			exports: {},
/******/ 			id: moduleId,
/******/ 			loaded: false
/******/ 		};

/******/ 		// Execute the module function
/******/ 		modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);

/******/ 		// Flag the module as loaded
/******/ 		module.loaded = true;

/******/ 		// Return the exports of the module
/******/ 		return module.exports;
/******/ 	}

/******/ 	// expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
/******/ 	__webpack_require__.m = modules;

/******/ 	// expose the module cache
/******/ 	__webpack_require__.c = installedModules;

/******/ 	// __webpack_public_path__
/******/ 	__webpack_require__.p = "";

/******/ 	// Load entry module and return exports
/******/ 	return __webpack_require__(0);
/******/ })
/******/ ([
/* 0 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

	module.exports = __webpack_require__(1);

/***/ },
/* 1 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

	// exporting if node, defining as a global function if browser
	if (__webpack_require__(2)) __nodeModule__.exports = define_TAPIC();
	else window.TAPIC = define_TAPIC();

	function define_TAPIC() {

	  let TAPIC = {}; // this is the return object
	  let state = __webpack_require__(3);
	  let _ws;
	  let _event = __webpack_require__(4)(TAPIC);
	  let _getJSON = __webpack_require__(5)(state);
	  let _parseMessage = __webpack_require__(7)(state, _event);
	  let _pingAPI = __webpack_require__(8)(state, _event, _getJSON);
	  let _getSubBadgeUrl = __webpack_require__(9)(state, _getJSON);

	  * Sets the oauth, then opens a chat connection and starts polling the Twitch API for data. This needs to be done before joining a channel.
	  * @param  {string} oauth Your user's oauth token. See: https://github.com/justintv/Twitch-API/blob/master/authentication.md for instructions on how to do that.
	  * @param  {function} callback Calls back the username when TAPIC has successfully connected to Twitch.
	  * @function setup
	  TAPIC.setup = function (oauth, callback) {
	    if (typeof oauth !== 'string' || oauth.length === 0) {
	      console.error('Invalid parameters. Usage: TAPIC.setup(oauth[, callback]);');
	    state.oauth = oauth.replace('oauth:', '');

	    state.startTime = Date.now();

	    _getJSON('https://api.twitch.tv/kraken', function (res) {
	      if (res.error && res.error === "Bad Request") {
	        console.error('Invalid Client ID or Oauth token.');
	      state.username = res.token.user_name;
	      state.id = res.token.user_id;
	      state.clientid = res.token.client_id;

	  function _init(callback) {
	    // setting up websockets
	    const twitchWS = 'wss://irc-ws.chat.twitch.tv:443';
	    if (__webpack_require__(2)) {
	      let WS = __webpack_require__(10);
	      _ws = new WS(twitchWS);
	    } else {
	      _ws = new WebSocket(twitchWS);

	    __webpack_require__(11)(state, _ws, _parseMessage, _event, callback);
	    __webpack_require__(12)(state, _event);

	    // TAPIC.joinChannel(channel, callback)
	    __webpack_require__(13)(TAPIC, state, _ws, _getSubBadgeUrl, _pingAPI, _getJSON);

	    // TAPIC.sendChat(message)
	    __webpack_require__(14)(TAPIC, state, _ws, _event);

	    // TAPIC.sendWhisper(user, message)
	    __webpack_require__(15)(TAPIC, _ws, _event);

	    // TAPIC.isFollowing(user, channel, callback)
	    __webpack_require__(16)(TAPIC, _getJSON);

	    // TAPIC.isSubscribing(user, callback)
	    __webpack_require__(17)(TAPIC, state, _getJSON);

	    // TAPIC.get[...]
	    __webpack_require__(18)(TAPIC, state);

	    // TAPIC.runCommercial(length)
	    __webpack_require__(19)(TAPIC, state);

	    // TAPIC.setStatusGame(status, game)
	    __webpack_require__(20)(TAPIC, state, _getJSON);

	    // TAPIC.joinCommunity(community)
	    __webpack_require__(21)(TAPIC, state, _getJSON);

	    // TAPIC.leaveCommunity()
	    __webpack_require__(22)(TAPIC, state, _getJSON);

	    // TAPIC.findID(username, callback)
	    __webpack_require__(23)(TAPIC, _getJSON);

	    // TAPIC.setRefreshRate(rateInSeconds)
	    __webpack_require__(24)(TAPIC, state);

	    // TAPIC.kraken(path, [params ,] callback)
	    __webpack_require__(25)(TAPIC, _getJSON);

	    // TAPIC.getUptime()
	    __webpack_require__(26)(TAPIC, state);
	  } // init()


	  return TAPIC;

/***/ },
/* 2 */
/***/ function(module, exports) {

	  returns true for node.js or nw.js

	  Context   window  nw
	  browser	  object  -
	  node.js   -       -
	  nw.js	    object	object

	module.exports = (function(){
	  return (typeof window !== 'object' || typeof nw === 'object' );

/***/ },
/* 3 */
/***/ function(module, exports) {

	module.exports = {
	  refreshRate: 5,
	  clientid: '',
	  oauth: '',
	  username: '',
	  channel: '',
	  channel_id: '',
	  id: '',
	  online: '',
	  game: '',
	  status: '',
	  followerCount: '',
	  totalViewCount: '',
	  currentViewCount: '',
	  partner: '',
	  fps: '',
	  videoHeight: '',
	  delay: '',
	  preview: '',
	  subBadgeUrl: '',
	  chatters: {},
	  followers: {},
	  createdAt: '',
	  logo: '',
	  videoBanner: '',
	  profileBanner: '',
	  userDisplayName: '',
	  userColor: '',
	  userEmoteSets: '',
	  userMod: '',
	  userSub: '',
	  userTurbo: '',
	  userType: '',
	  community: {
	    name: '',
	    description: '',
	    descriptionHTML: '',
	    rules: '',
	    rulesHTML: '',
	    summary: '',
	  teamDisplayName: '',
	  teamName: '',
	  startTime: 0,

/***/ },
/* 4 */
/***/ function(module, exports) {

	module.exports = function (TAPIC) {
	  let _events = new Map();

	  function _event(eventName, eventDetail) {
	    if (_events.has(eventName)) {
	      let callbacks = _events.get(eventName); // gets an array of callback functions
	      for (let i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) {
	        callbacks[i](eventDetail); // runs each and sends them eventDetail as the parameter

	  * Listens for certain events, then runs the callback.
	  * @param  {string} eventName The name of the event.
	  * @param  {function} callback  What do do when the event happens.
	  * @function listen
	  TAPIC.listen = function (eventName, callback) {
	    if (typeof eventName != 'string') {
	      console.error('Invalid parameters. Usage: TAPIC.listen(eventName[, callback]);');
	    if (typeof callback !== 'function') return console.error('Callback needed.');
	    if (_events.has(eventName)) { // if there are listeners for eventName
	      let value = _events.get(eventName); // get the current array of callbacks
	      value.push(callback); // add the new callback
	      _events.set(eventName, value); // replace the old callback array
	    } else { // if eventName has no listeners
	      _events.set(eventName, [callback]);

	  * Emits an event.
	  * @param  {string} eventName   The name of the event.
	  * @param  {any} eventDetail The parameter to send the callback.
	  * @function emit
	  TAPIC.emit = function (eventName, eventDetail) {
	    if (typeof eventName != 'string' || typeof eventDetail != 'string') {
	      console.error('Invalid parameters. Usage: TAPIC.emit(eventName, eventDetail);');
	    _event(eventName, eventDetail);

	  return _event;

/***/ },
/* 5 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

	module.exports = function (state) {
	  function _getJSON (path, params, callback) {
	    const timeoutLength = 5;
	    let timeout = setTimeout(function() {
	      return callback({error:`Request timeout after ${timeoutLength} seconds.`});
	    }, timeoutLength * 1000);

	    const oauthString = '?oauth_token=' + state.oauth;
	    const apiString = '&api_version=5';

	    let url = path + oauthString + apiString;
	    if (state.clientid) url += '&client_id=' + state.clientid;
	    if (typeof params === 'string') {
	      url += params;
	    } else if (typeof params === 'function') {
	      callback = params;

	    if (typeof callback !== 'function') return console.error('Callback needed.');
	    if (__webpack_require__(2)) { // No jsonp required, so using http.get
	      let http = __webpack_require__(6);
	      http.get(url, function (res) {
	        // res.setTimeout(timeoutMS, function() {
	        //   res.emit('close');
	        // });

	        let output = '';
	        res.on('data', function (chunk) {
	          output += chunk;
	        res.on('end', function () {
	          if (res.statusCode === 204) {
	            return callback(output);
	          else if (res.statusCode >= 200 && res.statusCode < 400) {
	            try {
	              return callback(JSON.parse(output));
	            } catch (err) {
	              return console.error(err + '@' + path);
	          } else { // error
	            return console.error(output + '@' + path);
	      }).on('error', function (e) {
	        return console.error(e.message + '@' + path);
	    } else { //jsonp for browsers
	      // Keep trying to make a random callback name until it finds a unique one.
	      let randomCallback;
	      do {
	        randomCallback = 'tapicJSONP' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000000);
	      } while (window[randomCallback]);

	      window[randomCallback] = function (json) {
	        delete window[randomCallback]; // Cleanup the window object
	        return callback(json);

	      let node = document.createElement('script');
	      node.id = randomCallback;
	      node.src = url + '&callback=' + randomCallback;
	      node.onerror = ev => {
	        // can do something with an error here... but not going to.

	      try {
	      } catch(e) {
	        let tapicContainer = document.createElement('div');
	        tapicContainer.id = 'tapicJsonpContainer';
	        tapicContainer.style.cssText = 'display:none;';

	  } // close _getJSON
	  return _getJSON;

/***/ },
/* 6 */
/***/ function(module, exports) {

	module.exports = require('https');

/***/ },
/* 7 */
/***/ function(module, exports) {

	module.exports = function (state, _event) {
	  function _parseMessage (text) {
	    _event('raw', text);
	    let textarray = text.split(' ');

	    if (textarray[2] === 'PRIVMSG') {
	      // chat
	      // :twitchstate.username!twitchstate.username@twitchstate.username.tmi.twitch.tv PRIVMSG #channel :message here
	    else if (textarray[1] === 'PRIVMSG') {
	      // host
	      _event('host', textarray[3].substring(1));
	    else if (textarray[2] === 'NOTICE') {
	      // notice
	      // @msg-id=slow_off :tmi.twitch.tv NOTICE #channel :This room is no longer in slow mode.
	    else if (textarray[1] === 'JOIN') {
	      // join
	      // :twitchstate.username!twitchstate.username@twitchstate.username.tmi.twitch.tv JOIN #channel
	    else if (textarray[1] === 'PART') {
	      // part
	      // :twitchstate.username!twitchstate.username@twitchstate.username.tmi.twitch.tv PART #channel
	    else if (textarray[2] === 'ROOMSTATE') {
	      // roomstate
	      // @broadcaster-lang=;r9k=0;slow=0;subs-only=0 :tmi.twitch.tv ROOMSTATE #channel
	    else if (textarray[2] === 'WHISPER') {
	      // whisper
	      // @badges=;color=#FF69B4;display-name=littlecatbot;emotes=;message-id=21;thread-id=71619374_108640872;turbo=0;user-id=108640872;user-type= :littlecatbot!littlecatbot@littlecatbot.tmi.twitch.tv WHISPER skhmt :hello world
	    else if (textarray[2] === 'CLEARCHAT') {
	      // clear chat
	      // @room-id=71619374 :tmi.twitch.tv CLEARCHAT #skhmt

	      // ban/timeout
	      // @ban-duration=1;ban-reason=Follow\sthe\srules :tmi.twitch.tv CLEARCHAT #channel :targetstate.username
	      // @ban-reason=Follow\sthe\srules :tmi.twitch.tv CLEARCHAT #channel :targetstate.username
	      if (textarray.length === 3) _event('clearChat');
	      else _msgBan(textarray);  
	    else if (textarray[2] === 'USERSTATE') {
	      // userstate
	      // @color=#0D4200;display-name=UserNaME;emote-sets=0,33;mod=1;subscriber=1;turbo=1;user-type=staff :tmi.twitch.tv USERSTATE #channel
	    else if (textarray[2] === 'USERNOTICE') {
	      // sub notifications
	      // @badges=staff/1,broadcaster/1,turbo/1;color=#008000;display-name=TWITCH_UserName;emotes=;mod=0;msg-id=sub/resub;msg-param-months=6;room-id=1337;subscriber=1;msg-param-sub-plan=Prime/1000/2000/3000;msg-param-sub-plan-name=Channel\sSubscription\s(display_name);system-msg=TWITCH_UserName\shas\ssubscribed\sfor\s6\smonths!;login=twitch_username;turbo=1;user-id=1337;user-type=staff :tmi.twitch.tv USERNOTICE #channel :Great stream -- keep it up!
	    else {
	      // not recognized by anything else
	      // console.info('Uncaught message type:' + textarray);

	  function _parseTags (tagString) {
	    let output = new Map();

	    // remove leading '@' then split by ';'
	    const tagArray = tagString.substring(1).split(';');

	    // add to map
	    for (let p = 0; p < tagArray.length; p++) {
	      let option = tagArray[p].split('=');
	      output.set(option[0], option[1]);

	    if (output.has('badges')) {
	      let badges = output.get('badges');
	      output.set('badges', badges.split(','));
	    return output;

	  function _msgWhisper (textarray) {
	    let whisperTags = _parseTags(textarray[0]);

	    // some people don't have a display-name, so getting it from somewhere else as a backup
	    if (!whisperTags.get('display-name')) {
	      whisperTags.set('display-name', textarray[1].split('!')[0].substring(1));

	    if (!whisperTags.get('color')) {
	      whisperTags.set('color', '#d2691e');

	    const joinedText = textarray.slice(4).join(' ').substring(1);

	    _event('whisper', {
	      from: whisperTags.get('display-name'),
	      to: textarray[3],
	      color: whisperTags.get('color'),
	      emotes: whisperTags.get('emotes'),
	      turbo: (whisperTags.get('turbo') == 1),
	      message_id: whisperTags.get('message-id'),
	      thread_id: whisperTags.get('thread-id'),
	      user_id: whisperTags.get('user-id'),
	      text: joinedText,
	      badges: whisperTags.get('badges'),

	  function _msgPriv (textarray) {
	    let msgTags = _parseTags(textarray[0]);

	    if (!msgTags.get('display-name')) msgTags.set('display-name', textarray[1].split('!')[0].substring(1));

	    if (!msgTags.get('color')) msgTags.set('color', '#d2691e');

	    let action = false;
	    let text = textarray.slice(4);
	    text[0] = text[0].substring(1); // removing colon
	    const unicodeSOH = '\u0001';
	    if (text[0] === unicodeSOH + 'ACTION') {
	      text = text.slice(1); // remove the word 'ACTION'
	      action = true;
	    let joinedText = text.join(' ').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;');

	    _event('message', {
	      from: msgTags.get('display-name'),
	      color: msgTags.get('color'),
	      mod: (msgTags.get('mod') == 1),
	      sub: (msgTags.get('subscriber') == 1),
	      turbo: (msgTags.get('turbo') == 1),
	      streamer: (msgTags.get('display-name').toLowerCase() === state.channel.toLowerCase()),
	      action: action,
	      text: joinedText,
	      emotes: msgTags.get('emotes'),
	      badges: msgTags.get('badges'),
	      room_id: msgTags.get('room-id'),
	      user_id: msgTags.get('user-id'),
	      bits: msgTags.get('bits'),

	  function _msgNotice (textarray) {
	    textarray.splice(0, 4);
	    const output = textarray.join(' ').substring(1);
	    _event('notice', output);

	  function _msgJoin (textarray) {
	    const joinname = textarray[0].split('!')[0].substring(1);
	    _event('join', joinname);

	  function _msgPart (textarray) {
	    const partname = textarray[0].split('!')[0].substring(1);
	    _event('part', partname);

	  function _msgRoomstate (textarray) {
	    const roomstateTags = _parseTags(textarray[0]);
	    _event('roomstate', {
	      lang: roomstateTags.get('broadcaster-lang'),
	      r9k: roomstateTags.get('r9k'),
	      slow: roomstateTags.get('slow'),
	      subs_only: roomstateTags.get('subs-only')

	  function _msgBan (textarray) {
	    let banTags = _parseTags(textarray[0]);

	    let reason = banTags.get('ban-reason');
	    if (typeof reason === 'string') reason = reason.replace(/\\s/g, ' ');

	    let duration = banTags.get('ban-duration');
	    if (typeof duration === 'undefined') duration = 0;

	    _event('clearUser', {
	      name: textarray[4].slice(1),
	      reason: reason,
	      duration: duration

	  function _msgUserstate (textarray) {
	    const userstateTags = _parseTags(textarray[0]);
	    state.userColor = userstateTags.get('color');
	    state.userDisplayName = userstateTags.get('display-name');
	    state.userEmoteSets = userstateTags.get('emote-sets');
	    state.userMod = userstateTags.get('mod');
	    state.userSub = userstateTags.get('subscriber');
	    state.userTurbo = userstateTags.get('turbo');
	    state.userType = userstateTags.get('user-type');

	  function _msgSub (textarray) {
	    const usernoticeParams = _parseTags(textarray[0]);

	    const joinedText = textarray.slice(4).join(' ').substring(1);
	    const months = usernoticeParams.get('msg-param-months');
	    const name = usernoticeParams.get('display-name');
	    const resub = usernoticeParams.get('msg-id') == 'resub'; // 'sub' or 'resub'
	    const plan = usernoticeParams.get('msg-param-sub-plan'); // Prime/1000/2000/3000
	    const planName = usernoticeParams.get('msg-param-sub-plan-name');
	    const sysMsg = usernoticeParams.get('system-msg'); // TWITCH_UserName\shas\ssubscribed\sfor\s6\smonths!
	    const user_id = usernoticeParams.get('user-id'); // ########
	    const user_type = usernoticeParams.get('user-type'); // staff
	    const room_id = usernoticeParams.get('room-id');

	    _event('sub', {

	  return _parseMessage;

/***/ },
/* 8 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

	module.exports = function (state, _event, _getJSON) {

	  function _pingAPI (callback) {
	    if (!state.channel_id) return;

	    let streams = false;
	    let channels = false;
	    let follows = false;
	    let chatters = false;
	    let community = false;
	    let teams = false;

	    function _pingFinished() {
	      if (streams && channels && follows && chatters && community && teams) {
	        if (typeof callback === 'function') callback();

	      'https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/streams/' + state.channel_id,
	      function (res) {
	        if (res.stream) {
	          state.online = true;
	          state.currentViewCount = res.stream.viewers;
	          state.fps = res.stream.average_fps;
	          state.videoHeight = res.stream.video_height;
	          state.delay = res.stream.delay;
	          state.preview = res.stream.preview.large;
	        } else {
	          state.online = false;

	        streams = true;

	      'https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/channels/' + state.channel_id,
	      function (res) {
	        state.game = res.game;
	        state.status = res.status;
	        state.followerCount = res.followers;
	        state.totalViewCount = res.views;
	        state.partner = res.partner;
	        state.createdAt = res.created_at;
	        state.logo = res.logo;
	        state.videoBanner = res.video_banner; // offline banner
	        state.profileBanner = res.profile_banner;

	        channels = true;

	      'https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/channels/' + state.channel_id + '/community',
	      function (res) {
	        if (res) {
	          state.community.name = res.name;
	          state.community.description = res.rescription;
	          state.community.descriptionHTML = res.description_html;
	          state.community.rules = res.rules;
	          state.community.rulesHTML = res.rules_html;
	          state.community.summary = res.summary;
	        else {
	          state.community.name = '';
	          state.community.description = '';
	          state.community.descriptionHTML = '';
	          state.community.rules = '';
	          state.community.rulesHTML = '';
	          state.community.summary = '';

	        community = true;

	      'https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/channels/' + state.channel_id + '/follows',
	      function (res) {
	        // https://github.com/justintv/Twitch-API/blob/master/v3_resources/follows.md#get-channelschannelfollows
	        if (!res.follows) return;

	        let firstUpdate = true;
	        if (state.followers.length > 0) firstUpdate = false;

	        for (let i = 0; i < res.follows.length; i++) {
	          const tempFollower = res.follows[i].user.display_name;
	          if (state.followers.indexOf(tempFollower) === -1) { // if user isn't in state.followers
	            if (!firstUpdate) {
	              _event('follow', tempFollower); // if it's not the first update, post new follower
	            state.followers.push(tempFollower); // add the user to the follower list

	        follows = true;

	    // This is an undocumented/unsupported API - it hasn't been updated to v5. It uses channel NAME
	      'https://tmi.twitch.tv/group/user/' + state.channel + '/chatters',
	      function (res) {
	        if (!__webpack_require__(2)) { // using JSONP with this API endpoint adds "data" to the object
	          res = res.data;

	        if (!res || !res.chatters) {
	          // console.error('No response from "tmi.twitch.tv/group/user/:channel/chatters". This will happen from time to time.');
	        state.currentViewCount = res.chatter_count;
	        // .slice(); is to set by value rather than reference
	        state.chatters.moderators = res.chatters.moderators.slice();
	        state.chatters.staff = res.chatters.staff.slice();
	        state.chatters.admins = res.chatters.admins.slice();
	        state.chatters.global_mods = res.chatters.global_mods.slice();
	        state.chatters.viewers = res.chatters.viewers.slice();

	        chatters = true;

	    // This is an undocumented/unsupported API - it hasn't been udpated to v5. It uses channel NAME
	      'https://api.twitch.tv//api/channels/' + state.channel + '/ember',
	      function (res) {
	        state.teamDisplayName = res.primary_team_display_name;
	        state.teamName = res.primary_team_name;
	        teams = true;

	    setTimeout(function () {
	      if (!__webpack_require__(2)) {
	        document.getElementById('tapicJsonpContainer').innerHTML = '';
	    }, state.refreshRate * 1000);

	  return _pingAPI;

/***/ },
/* 9 */
/***/ function(module, exports) {

	module.exports = function (state, _getJSON) {
	  function _getSubBadgeUrl (callback) {
	      'https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/chat/' + state.channel_id + '/badges',
	      function (res) {
	        if (res.subscriber) {
	          state.subBadgeUrl = res.subscriber.image;
	        if (typeof callback == 'function') {
	  return _getSubBadgeUrl;

/***/ },
/* 10 */
/***/ function(module, exports) {

	module.exports = require('ws');

/***/ },
/* 11 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

	module.exports = function (state, _ws, _parseMessage, _event, callback) {
	  // handling messages
	  if (__webpack_require__(2)) {
	    _ws.on('open', wsOpen);
	    _ws.on('message', wsMessage);
	  } else {
	    _ws.onopen = wsOpen;
	    _ws.onmessage = wsMessage;

	  function wsOpen() {
	    _event('dev', 'chat - connected successfully');
	    _ws.send('CAP REQ :twitch.tv/tags twitch.tv/commands twitch.tv/membership');
	    _ws.send('PASS oauth:' + state.oauth);
	    _ws.send('NICK ' + state.username);

	  function wsMessage(event) {
	    let messages;
	    // websockets can have multiple separate messages per event
	    if (__webpack_require__(2)) messages = event.split('\r\n');
	    else messages = event.data.split('\r\n');

	    for (let i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) {
	      let msg = messages[i];
	      if (msg === 'PING :tmi.twitch.tv') {
	        _event('dev', 'chat - PONG sent');
	        _ws.send('PONG :tmi.twitch.tv');
	      } else if (msg) {
	        if (msg.substring(0,18) === ':tmi.twitch.tv 001' && typeof callback == 'function') callback(state.username);
	  } // end wsMessage

/***/ },
/* 12 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

	module.exports = function (state, _event) {
	  let ps;

	  let pongTimeout;
	  let pingTimeout;

	  function connect() {
	    // cleaning up things
	    // WebSocket.CONNECTING, WebSocket.OPEN, WebSocket.CLOSING, WebSocket.CLOSED
	    if (typeof ps === 'object') {
	      if (ps.readyState === 1 || ps.readyState === 0) close();

	    const url = 'wss://pubsub-edge.twitch.tv';
	    if (__webpack_require__(2)) {
	      let WS = __webpack_require__(10);
	      ps = new WS(url);
	      ps.on('open', psOpen);
	      ps.on('message', psMessage);
	      ps.on('close', psClose);
	      ps.on('error', psError);
	    else {
	      ps = new WebSocket(url);
	      ps.onopen = psOpen;
	      ps.onmessage = psMessage;
	      ps.onclose = psClose;
	      ps.onerror = psError;

	  // https://dev.twitch.tv/docs/v5/guides/PubSub/
	  function psOpen() {
	    _event('dev', 'pubsub - connected successfully');
	    let frame = {
	      type: 'LISTEN',
	      nonce: 'listenToTopics',
	      data: {
	        topics: [
	          'channel-bits-events-v1.' + state.channel_id,
	          // 'channel-subscribe-events-v1.' + state.channel_id,
	          'chat_moderator_actions.' + state.id + '.' + state.channel_id,
	          'whispers.' + state.id,
	        auth_token: state.oauth,



	  function psClose() {
	    _event('dev', 'pubsub - reconnect: psClose()');

	  function psError(err) {
	    console.error('pubsub error');

	  function ping() {
	    _event('dev', 'pubsub - PING sent');
	    pingTimeout = setTimeout(ping, 60*1000);

	    pongTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
	      _event('dev', 'pubsub - reconnect: ping() - pong timeout');
	    }, 10000); // if pong isn't received within 10 seconds, reconnect

	  // this provides some preventative error handling because the pubsub edge seems to be unstable
	  function send(msg) {
	    switch(ps.readyState) {
	      case 0: // CONNECTING
	        setTimeout(function () { send(msg); }, 1000);
	      case 2: // CLOSING
	      case 3: // CLOSED
	        _event('dev', 'pubsub - reconnect: send() - closing/closed state');
	        setTimeout(function () { send(msg); }, 2000);
	      case 1: // OPEN
	        try {
	        } catch (err) {
	          setTimeout(function () { send(msg); }, 1500);

	  function close() {
	    if (__webpack_require__(2)) ps.on('close', function () {});
	    else ps.onclose = function () {};

	  function psMessage(event) {
	    let message;
	    if (__webpack_require__(2)) message = JSON.parse(event);
	    else message = JSON.parse(event.data);

	    switch (message.type) {
	      case 'PONG':
	        _event('dev', 'pubsub - PONG received');
	      case 'RESPONSE':
	      case 'RECONNECT':
	        _event('dev', 'pubsub - reconnect: psMessage() - was sent RECONNECT message');
	      case 'MESSAGE':
	        _event('dev', 'pubsub uncaught message type:' + message);

	  // data is message.data, so it should have msg.topic and msg.message
	  function parseMessage(data) {
	    switch (data.topic) {
	      // https://dev.twitch.tv/docs/v5/guides/PubSub/
	      case 'channel-bits-events-v1.' + state.channel_id:
	      // https://discuss.dev.twitch.tv/t/in-line-broadcaster-chat-mod-logs/7281/12
	      case 'chat_moderator_actions.' + state.id + '.' + state.id:
	      case 'whispers.' + state.id:
	      // case 'channel-subscribe-events-v1.' + state.channel_id:
	      //   sub();
	      //   break;

	    function bits() {
	      let bits = JSON.parse(data.message);
	      _event('bits', bits);

	    function moderation() {
	      let moderation = JSON.parse(data.message).data;
	      _event('moderation', moderation);

	    function whisper() {
	      let message = JSON.parse(data.message).data_object;
	      // TODO: figure out why some whispers are dropped...
	      // _event('whisper', message);

	    // function sub() {
	    //   // TODO: https://discuss.dev.twitch.tv/t/subscriptions-beta-changes/10023
	    // }


/***/ },
/* 13 */
/***/ function(module, exports) {

	module.exports = function (TAPIC, state, _ws, _getSubBadgeUrl, _pingAPI, _getJSON) {
	  * Joins a new channel. If you were already in a channel, this exits you from that channel first, then joins the new one.
	  * @param  {string} channel The channel name, with or without the #.
	  * @param  {function} callback Optional callback that's triggered after the Twitch API has been polled for the first time after joining.
	  * @function joinChannel
	  TAPIC.joinChannel = function (channel, callback) {
	    if (typeof channel != 'string') {
	      return console.error('Invalid parameters. Usage: TAPIC.joinChannel(channel);');
	    if (!_ws) {
	      return console.error('Tapic not setup.');

	    if (state.channel) _ws.send('PART #' + state.channel);

	      '&login=' + encodeURIComponent(channel),

	    function setState(res) {
	      state.channel_id = res.users[0]._id;
	      state.channel = channel.replace('#', '');
	      state.online = false;
	      state.game = '';
	      state.status = '';
	      state.followerCount = '';
	      state.totalViewCount = '';
	      state.partner = '';
	      state.currentViewCount = '';
	      state.fps = '';
	      state.videoHeight = '';
	      state.delay = '';
	      state.subBadgeUrl = '';
	      state.chatters = {};
	      state.followers = [];
	      state.createdAt = '';
	      state.logo = '';
	      state.videoBanner = '';
	      state.profileBanner = '';
	      state.userMod = '';
	      state.userSub = '';
	      state.userTurbo = '';
	      state.userType = '';

	      _ws.send('JOIN #' + state.channel);

	      if (typeof callback == 'function') {
	      } else {


/***/ },
/* 14 */
/***/ function(module, exports) {

	module.exports = function (TAPIC, state, _ws, _event) {
	  * Sends a message to the channel. Actions such as /me, /host, etc work as normal. This is echoed back to the client if you listen for the "echoChat" event.
	  * @param  {string} message The message to send.
	  * @function sendChat
	  TAPIC.sendChat = function (message) {
	    if (typeof message != 'string') {
	      console.error('Invalid parameters. Usage: TAPIC.sendChat(message);');
	    if (!_ws) {
	      return console.error('Tapic not setup.');
	    _ws.send('PRIVMSG #' + state.channel + ' :' + message);
	    _event('echoChat', message);

/***/ },
/* 15 */
/***/ function(module, exports) {

	module.exports = function (TAPIC, _ws, _event) {
	  * Sends a whisper to a user. This is echoed back to the client if you listen for the "echoWhisper" event.
	  * @param  {string} user The target user to send the whisper to.
	  * @param  {string} message The message to send.
	  * @function sendWhisper
	  TAPIC.sendWhisper = function (user, message) {
	    if (typeof user != 'string' || typeof message != 'string') {
	      console.error('Invalid parameters. Usage: TAPIC.sendWhisper(user, message);');
	    if (!_ws) {
	      return console.error('Tapic not setup.');
	    _ws.send('PRIVMSG #jtv :/w ' + user + ' ' + message);
	    _event('echoWhisper', {
	      to: user,
	      text: message

/***/ },
/* 16 */
/***/ function(module, exports) {

	module.exports = function (TAPIC, _getJSON) {
	  * Checks if "user" is following "channel". This is an asynchronous function and requires a callback.
	  * @param  {string} user     The user id to check.
	  * @param  {string} channel  The channel id to check.
	  * @param  {function} callback The function that's called when the check is complete. Callback is given an object with isFollowing (boolean) and dateFollowed (string).
	  * @function isFollowing
	  TAPIC.isFollowing = function (user, channel, callback) {
	    // https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/users/skhmt/follows/channels/food
	    if (typeof user != 'string' || typeof channel != 'string' || typeof callback != 'function') {
	      return console.error('Invalid parameters. Usage: TAPIC.isFollowing(user_id, channel_id, callback);');
	    const url = 'https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/users/' + encodeURIComponent(user) + '/follows/channels/' + encodeURIComponent(channel);
	      function (res) {
	        if (res && res.created_at) callback({
	          isFollowing: true,
	          dateFollowed: (new Date(res.created_at).toLocaleString())
	        else callback({
	          isFollowing: false

/***/ },
/* 17 */
/***/ function(module, exports) {

	module.exports = function (TAPIC, state, _getJSON) {
	  * Checks if "user" is subscribed to the current channel. This is an asynchronous function and requires a callback. Requires the channel_check_subscription permission and the username and channel must be the same.
	  * @param  {string} user     The user id to check.
	  * @param  {function} callback The function that's called when the check is complete. Callback is given an object with isSubscribing (boolean), dateSubscribed (string), sub_plan (string), and sub_plan_name (string).
	  * @function isSubscribing
	  TAPIC.isSubscribing = function (user, callback) {
	    if (typeof user != 'string' || typeof callback != 'function') {
	      console.error('Invalid parameters. Usage: TAPIC.isSubscribing(user_id, callback);');
	    // https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/channels/teststate.channel/subscriptions/testuser
	    const url = 'https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/channels/' + state.channel_id + '/subscriptions/' + encodeURIComponent(user);
	      function (res) {
	        if (res.error) {
	            isSubscribing: false
	        } else {
	            isSubscribing: true,
	            dateSubscribed: (new Date(res.created_at).toLocaleString()),
	            sub_plan: res.sub_plan,
	            sub_plan_name: res.sub_plan_name,


/***/ },
/* 18 */
/***/ function(module, exports) {

	module.exports = function (TAPIC, state) {
	  * Gets the username of the bot.
	  * @return {string} The lowercase username.
	  * @function getUsername
	  TAPIC.getUsername = function () {
	    return state.username;

	  * Gets the channel name.
	  * @return {string} The channel name in lowercase.
	  * @function getChannel
	  TAPIC.getChannel = function () {
	    return state.channel;

	  * Gets the user's id.
	  * @return {string} The user id.
	  * @function getUserID
	  TAPIC.getUserID = function () {
	    return state.id;

	  * Gets the channel id.
	  * @return {string} The channel id.
	  * @function getChannelID
	  TAPIC.getChannelID = function () {
	    return state.channel_id;

	  * Gets the online status of the channel.
	  * @return {boolean} True if the channel is streaming, false if not.
	  * @function isOnline
	  TAPIC.isOnline = function () {
	    if (!state.channel) return console.error('Not in a channel.');
	    return state.online;

	  * Gets the status (title) of the channel. This works even if the channel is offline.
	  * @return {string} The status.
	  * @function getStatus
	  TAPIC.getStatus = function () {
	    if (!state.channel) return console.error('Not in a channel.');
	    return state.status;

	  * Gets the game being played according to the channel owner. This works even if the channel is offline.
	  * @return {string} The game.
	  * @function getGame
	  TAPIC.getGame = function () {
	    if (!state.channel) return console.error('Not in a channel.');
	    return state.game;

	  * Gets the number of followers of the channel.
	  * @return {number} The follower count.
	  * @function getFollowerCount
	  TAPIC.getFollowerCount = function () {
	    if (!state.channel) return console.error('Not in a channel.');
	    return state.followerCount;

	  * Gets the total (cumulative) viewer count of the channel.
	  * @return {number} The total number of viewers.
	  * @function getTotalViewCount
	  TAPIC.getTotalViewCount = function () {
	    if (!state.channel) return console.error('Not in a channel.');
	    return state.totalViewCount;

	  * Gets the partner status of the channel.
	  * @return {boolean} Returns true if the channel is a Twitch partner, false if not.
	  * @function isPartner
	  TAPIC.isPartner = function () {
	    if (!state.channel) return console.error('Not in a channel.');
	    return state.partner;

	  * Gets the number of current logged-in viewers of the channel.
	  * @return {number} The current number of logged-in viewers.
	  * @function getCurrentViewCount
	  TAPIC.getCurrentViewCount = function () {
	    if (!state.channel) return console.error('Not in a channel.');
	    return state.currentViewCount;

	  * Gets the channel's frames per second - generally 30 or 60.
	  * @return {number} The FPS of the channel.
	  * @function getFps
	  TAPIC.getFps = function () {
	    if (!state.online) return console.error('Stream not online.');
	    return state.fps;

	  * Gets the height in pixels of the video. This is often 480, 720, or 1080.
	  * @return {number} The height in pixels of the stream.
	  * @function getVideoHeight
	  TAPIC.getVideoHeight = function () {
	    if (!state.online) return console.error('Stream not online.');
	    return state.videoHeight;

	  * Gets the delay of the channel. This doesn't return the actual delay, just the intentionally added delay.
	  * @return {number} The delay in seconds.
	  * @function getDelay
	  TAPIC.getDelay = function () {
	    if (!state.online) return console.error('Stream not online.');
	    return state.delay;

	  * Gets the URL of the subscriber badge displayed to the left of the username in chat if the channel is partnered.
	  * @return {string} The URL of the sub badge.
	  * @function getSubBadgeUrl
	  TAPIC.getSubBadgeUrl = function () {
	    if (!state.channel) return console.error('Not in a channel.');
	    return state.subBadgeUrl;

	  * Gets the current chatters in the channel. The returned object has 5 arrays: moderators, staff, admins, global_mods, and viewers. The arrays are simple lists of the viewers that belong to each category.
	  * @return {object} An object of arrays.
	  * @function getChatters
	  TAPIC.getChatters = function () {
	    if (!state.channel) return console.error('Not in a channel.');
	    return state.chatters;

	  * Gets the time the stream started in the W3C date and time format, in UTC. ex: 2014-09-20T21:00:43Z
	  * @return {string} The time the stream started.
	  * @function getCreatedAt
	  TAPIC.getCreatedAt = function () {
	    if (!state.channel) return console.error('Not in a channel.');
	    return state.createdAt;

	  * Gets the channel's 300x300px logo URL.
	  * @return {string} The URL of the channel's logo.
	  * @function getLogo
	  TAPIC.getLogo = function () {
	    if (!state.channel) return console.error('Not in a channel.');
	    return state.logo;

	  * Gets the channel's offline video banner/image URL.
	  * @return {string} The URL of the channel's offline image.
	  * @function getVideoBanner
	  TAPIC.getVideoBanner = function () {
	    if (!state.channel) return console.error('Not in a channel.');
	    return state.videoBanner;

	  * Gets the channel's profile banner URL.
	  * @return {string} The URL of the channel's profile banner.
	  * @function getProfileBanner
	  TAPIC.getProfileBanner = function () {
	    if (!state.channel) return console.error('Not in a channel.');
	    return state.profileBanner;

	  * Gets the display name of the user. This includes capitalization preferences.
	  * @return {string} The display name of the user.
	  * @function getDisplayName
	  TAPIC.getDisplayName = function () {
	    if (!state.channel) return console.error('Not in a channel.');
	    return state.userDisplayName;

	  * Gets the user's color preference for their username in chat. The format is hex and includes the leading #.
	  * @return {string} Color of the username.
	  * @function getColor
	  TAPIC.getColor = function () {
	    if (!state.channel) return console.error('Not in a channel.');
	    return state.userColor;

	  * Gets the user's emote set in comma-delimited format.
	  * @return {string} List of the user's emote sets.
	  * @function getEmoteSets
	  TAPIC.getEmoteSets = function () {
	    if (!state.channel) return console.error('Not in a channel.');
	    return state.userEmoteSets;

	  * Gets the moderator status of the user in the channel.
	  * @return {boolean} True if a moderator, false if not.
	  * @function getMod
	  TAPIC.getMod = function () {
	    if (!state.channel) return console.error('Not in a channel.');
	    return (state.userMod == 1);

	  * Gets the subscriber status of the tapic user in the channel.
	  * @return {boolean} True if a subscriber, false if not.
	  * @function getSub
	  TAPIC.getSub = function () {
	    if (!state.channel) return console.error('Not in a channel.');
	    return (state.userSub == 1);

	  * Gets the turbo status of the user.
	  * @return {boolean} True if turbo, false if not.
	  * @function getTurbo
	  TAPIC.getTurbo = function () {
	    if (!state.channel) return console.error('Not in a channel.');
	    return (state.userTurbo == 1);

	  * Gets the user's usertype. For example, "staff".
	  * @return {string} User's user type.
	  * @function getUserType
	  TAPIC.getUserType = function () {
	    if (!state.channel) return console.error('Not in a channel.');
	    return state.userType;

	  * Gets the user's oauth token.
	  * @return {string} User's oauth token
	  * @function getOauth
	  TAPIC.getOauth = function () {
	    return state.oauth;

	  * Gets the client id.
	  * @return {string} The client id
	  * @function getClientID
	  TAPIC.getClientID = function () {
	    return state.clientid;

	  * Gets the stream preview if live.
	  * @return {string} 640x360 .jpg url
	  * @function getPreview
	  TAPIC.getPreview = function () {
	    return state.preview;

	  * Gets the community name.
	  * @return {string} Name of the community
	  * @function getCommunityName
	  TAPIC.getCommunityName = function () {
	    return state.community.name;

	  * Gets the community description in markdown.
	  * @return {string} Description of the community
	  * @function getCommunityDescription
	  TAPIC.getCommunityDescription = function () {
	    return state.community.description;

	  * Gets the community description in HTML.
	  * @return {string} Description of the community
	  * @function getCommunityDescriptionHTML
	  TAPIC.getCommunityDescriptionHTML = function () {
	    return state.community.descriptionHTML;

	  * Gets the community rules in markdown.
	  * @return {string} Rules of the community
	  * @function getCommunityRules
	  TAPIC.getCommunityRules = function () {
	    return state.community.rules;

	  * Gets the community rules in HTML.
	  * @return {string} Rules of the community
	  * @function getCommunityRulesHTML
	  TAPIC.getCommunityRulesHTML = function () {
	    return state.community.rulesHTML;

	  * Gets the community summary in plaintext.
	  * @return {string} Summary of the community
	  * @function getCommunitySummary
	  TAPIC.getCommunitySummary = function () {
	    return state.community.summary;

	  * Gets the channel's team name. This is mostly used to get more information via the twitchapi.
	  * @return {string} Team name
	  * @function getTeamName
	  TAPIC.getTeamName = function () {
	    return state.teamName;

	  * Gets the channel's team (display) name. This is meant to be shown to user(s).
	  * @return {string} Team (display) name
	  * @function getTeamDisplayName
	  TAPIC.getTeamDisplayName = function () {
	    return state.teamDisplayName;

/***/ },
/* 19 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

	module.exports = function (TAPIC, state) {
	  * Runs a commercial. Requires channel_commercial permission and the user must be an editor of the channel or the username must be the same as the channel. Commercials usually run for 30 seconds.
	  * @param  {number} length Amount of time to run the commercial in seconds.
	  * @function runCommercial
	  TAPIC.runCommercial = function (length) {
	    if (typeof length != 'number') {
	      console.error('Invalid parameters. Usage: TAPIC.runCommercial(length);');
	    if (!state.channel) return console.error('Not in a channel.');
	    if (!state.partner) return console.error('Not a partner, cannot run a commercial.');

	    const host = 'https://api.twitch.tv';
	    const path = '/kraken/channels/' + state.channel_id + '/commercial?oauth_token=' + state.oauth;
	    const url = host + path;

	    if (__webpack_require__(2)) {
	      let options = {
	        host: host,
	        path: path,
	        method: 'POST',
	        headers: {
	          'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8',
	          'Client-ID': state.clientid
	      let http = __webpack_require__(6);
	      http.request(options).write({'duration': length}).end();
	    } else {
	      let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
	      xhr.open('POST', url, true);
	      xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8');
	      xhr.setRequestHeader('Client-ID', state.clientid);
	      xhr.send({'duration': length});

/***/ },
/* 20 */
/***/ function(module, exports) {

	module.exports = function (TAPIC, state, _getJSON) {
	  * Sets the status and game of the channel. Requires channel_editor permission.
	  * @param  {string} status The status/title of the channel.
	  * @param  {string} game   The game being played, or Creative or Music or whatever.
	  * @function setStatusGame
	  TAPIC.setStatusGame = function (status, game) {
	    if (typeof status != 'string' || typeof game != 'string') {
	      console.error('Invalid parameters. Usage: TAPIC.setStatusGame(status, game);');

	    _getJSON('https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/channels/' + state.channel_id,
	      '&_method=put&channel[status]=' + encodeURIComponent(status) + '&channel[game]=' + encodeURIComponent(game),
	      function (res) {
	        state.game = res.game;
	        state.status = res.status;

/***/ },
/* 21 */
/***/ function(module, exports) {

	module.exports = function (TAPIC, state, _getJSON) {
	  * Joins the channel to a community
	  * @param  {string} community The community NAME
	  * @function joinCommunity
	  TAPIC.joinCommunity = function (community) {
	    if (typeof community != 'string') {
	      return console.error('Invalid parameter. Usage: TAPIC.joinCommunity(community);');

	    // Getting the id of the community by its name, then joining it
	      '&name=' + encodeURIComponent(community),
	      function (res) {

	    function joinCommunity(community_id) {
	      _getJSON('https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/channels/' + state.channel_id + '/community/' + community_id,
	        function (res) {
	          // do nothing - there's no response from twitch

/***/ },
/* 22 */
/***/ function(module, exports) {

	module.exports = function (TAPIC, state, _getJSON) {
	  * Removes the channel from its current community.
	  * @function leaveCommunity
	  TAPIC.leaveCommunity = function () {
	    _getJSON('https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/channels/' + state.channel_id + '/community/',
	      function (res) {
	        // do nothing - there's no response from twitch

/***/ },
/* 23 */
/***/ function(module, exports) {

	module.exports = function (TAPIC, _getJSON) {
	  * Takes in a username (or channel name, same thing) and returns the user's ID
	  * @param  {string} username  The username to check.
	  * @param  {string} callback  The user/channel id.
	  * @function findID
	  TAPIC.findID = function (username, callback) {
	    if (typeof username != 'string' || typeof callback != 'function') {
	      return console.error('Invalid parameters. Usage: TAPIC.findID(username, callback);');
	      '&login=' + encodeURIComponent(username),
	      function (res) {

/***/ },
/* 24 */
/***/ function(module, exports) {

	module.exports = function (TAPIC, state) {
	  * Sets the rate at which tapic pings the Twitch API, by default it's 5
	  * @param  {number} refreshRate in seconds
	  * @function setRefreshRate
	  TAPIC.setRefreshRate = function (rate) {
	    if (typeof rate != 'number') {
	      return console.error('Invalid parameter. Usage: TAPIC.setRefreshRate(refreshRate);');

	    // Not allowing a faster refresh rate than 5 seconds
	    if (rate >= 5.0) state.refreshRate = rate;

/***/ },
/* 25 */
/***/ function(module, exports) {

	module.exports = function (TAPIC, _getJSON) {
	  * Uses tapic.js to do calls to the twitchapi that aren't supported by default at https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/...
	  * Example: TAPIC.kraken('games/top/', '&limit=100&offset=0', function (response) {...});
	  * @param  {string} path     The url to after "/kraken/"
	  * @param  {string} params  Optional. Query parameters in the format of "&___=___&___=___ ...".
	  * @param  {function} callback Callback function is given the response object, see https://dev.twitch.tv/docs for specific info
	  * @function kraken
	  TAPIC.kraken = function (path, arg2, arg3) {
	    const URL = 'https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/';

	    if (typeof path === 'string' && typeof arg2 === 'string' && typeof arg3 === 'function') {
	      _getJSON(URL + path, arg2, function (res) { arg3(res); });
	    else if (typeof path === 'string' && typeof arg2 === 'function') {
	      _getJSON(URL + path, function (res) { arg2(res); });
	    else {
	      return console.error('Invalid parameters. Usage: TAPIC.kraken(path, [params,] callback);');

/***/ },
/* 26 */
/***/ function(module, exports) {

	module.exports = function (TAPIC, state) {
	  * Gets the uptime that TAPIC has been running. This is not the stream's uptime. 
	  * @return {object} "total" is the total uptime in miliseconds, if you want to parse it yourself. "hours", "minutes", and "seconds" are integers meant to be used together.
	  * @function getTapicUptime
	  TAPIC.getTapicUptime = function () {
	    let total = Date.now() - state.startTime;

	    let totalSeconds = total / 1000;
	    let seconds = (totalSeconds % 60)|0;

	    let totalMinutes = totalSeconds / 60;
	    let minutes = (totalMinutes % 60)|0;

	    let hours = (totalMinutes / 60)|0;

	    return {

/***/ },
/* 27 */
/***/ function(module, exports) {

	* Every RAW TMI message from the standard chat server. You most likely won't be using this unless you need to parse for something that TAPIC.js doesn't already have a listener for.
	* @event raw
	* @property {string} - The raw message

	* A regular message (PRIVMSG in IRC). This includes actions (/me).
	* @event message
	* @property {string} from - The username of the person who sent the message.
	* @property {string} text - The text of the message.
	* @property {string} color - The color of the user name.
	* @property {string} emotes - The emote id and character locations. See: https://github.com/justintv/Twitch-API/blob/master/IRC.md#privmsg.
	* @property {boolean} action - True if it is an action (/me), false if it is a regular message.
	* @property {boolean} streamer - True if the streamer (channel name) sent the message, false if it is anyone else.
	* @property {boolean} mod - True if the user that sent the message is a moderator, false if not.
	* @property {boolean} sub - True if the user that sent the message is a subscriber, false if not.
	* @property {boolean} turbo - True if the user that sent the message has turbo, false if not.
	* @property {array} badges - Array of badges, such as 'broadcaster/1', 'subscriber/1', and 'warcraft/alliance'.
	* @property {number} room_id - The chatroom ID of the room the message was sent to.
	* @property {number} user_id - The Twitch ID number of the user that sent the message.

	* A whisper sent to the user.
	* @event whisper
	* @property {string} from - The username of the person who sent the message.
	* @property {string} to - The recipient of the whisper (the bot name).
	* @property {string} text - The text of the message.
	* @property {string} color - The color of the user name.
	* @property {boolean} turbo - True if the user that sent the message has turbo, false if not.
	* @property {array} badges - Array of badges, such as 'broadcaster/1', 'subscriber/1', and 'warcraft/alliance'.
	* @property {number} message_id - The message id.
	* @property {number} thread_id - The thread id.
	* @property {number} user_id - The user id.

	* Echos chat messages sent by the bot to the chatroom.
	* @event echoChat
	* @property {string} - The text of the chat message.

	* Echos whispers sent by the bot.
	* @event echoWhisper
	* @property {string} to - The target of the whisper.
	* @property {string} text - The text of the whisper.

	* Notices from the standard chat server. For example, the response of the /mods command.
	* @event notice
	* @property {string} - The notice.

	* When a user joins your channel. Fires for every user in the channel when you enter, so be careful on how you use this. This doesn't seem to be real-time, unlike real IRC.
	* @event join
	* @property {string} - The entering user's name.

	* When a user leaves your channel. This doesn't seem to be real-time, unlike real IRC.
	* @event part
	* @property {string} - The parting user's name.

	* This is sent when a user is timed out or banned or "purged" by a moderator. The default action should be to remove or hide all of that user's previous chat text.
	* @event clearUser
	* @property {string} name - The cleared user's name.
	* @property {string} reason - The optional reason for timeout.
	* @property {number} duration - The length of the timeout in seconds.

	* This is sent when a moderator wants to purge all of the chat. The default action should be to remove or hide all of the previous chatroom text.
	* @event clearChat

	* This is sent when the app state has been updated with the latest Twitch API data. That doesn't necessarilly mean the data is different, only that it's the most recent data.
	* @event update

	* This is sent when the user (not the channel) is hosted. If the logged in user is not the broadcaster, this will not be an accurate notification of hosts. To get host notifications if you're not logged in as the broadcaster, you need to use:  http://tmi.twitch.tv/hosts?include_logins=1&target=[user id number] (Won't work on a client-side browser - no CORS/JSONP support) or https://decapi.me/twitch/hosts?channel=[channel name] (CORS support. Thanks Decicus)
	* @event host
	* @property {string} - The user that hosted you.

	* This is sent when a user follows the channel. The limitation is about 100 follows per minute. Any more might get lost.
	* @event follow
	* @property {string} - The user that followed the channel.

	* Subscription notification. These only show up if the user decides to share their sub/resub. 
	* @event sub
	* @property {string} name - The user that subscribed to the channel.
	* @property {number} user_id - User's unique twitch id number.
	* @property {string} user_type - User's type. For example: staff.
	* @property {number} room_id - Twitch id of the room being sub'd to.
	* @property {number} months - Number of months subscribed for.
	* @property {boolean} resub - True if a resub, false if a new subscriber.
	* @property {string} plan - Possible values are: "Prime", "1000", "2000", or "3000".
	* @property {string} planName - Name of the plan.
	* @property {string} sysMsg - What the system normally outputs, usually: "TWITCH_UserName\shas\ssubscribed\sfor\s6\smonths!".
	* @property {string} joinedText - Message the user wants to include with the sub.

	* The roomstate options set on a room.
	* @event roomstate
	* @property {string} lang - The language of the room. Often left blank.
	* @property {boolean} r9k - True if the room is in r9k mode, false if not.
	* @property {boolean} slow - True if the room is in slow mode, false if not.
	* @property {boolean} subs_only - True if the room is in subs (and mods) only mode, false if not.

	* Bit tip notification. Via PubSub.
	* @event bits
	* @property {string} message_id - Message ID
	* @property {string} message_type - Message type (that is, the type of object contained in the data field)
	* @property {string} version - Message version
	* @property {object} data.badge_entitlement - Information about the user’s new badge level (.new_version and .previous_version), if the user reached a new badge level with this cheer; otherwise. null.
	* @property {number} data.bits_used - Number of bits used.
	* @property {string} data.channel_id - 	User ID of the channel on which bits were used.
	* @property {string} data.channel_name - Name of the channel on which bits were used.
	* @property {string} data.chat_message - Chat message sent with the cheer.
	* @property {string} data.context - Event type associated with this use of bits (for example, cheer).
	* @property {string} data.time - Time when the bits were used. RFC 3339 format.
	* @property {number} data.total_bits_used - All-time total number of bits used on this channel by the specified user.
	* @property {string} data.user_id - User ID of the person who used the bits.
	* @property {string} data.user_name - Login name of the person who used the bits.

	* Moderation actions. Via PubSub. Unsupported - may not work.
	* @event moderation
	* @property {string} type - should be "chat_login_moderation"
	* @property {string} moderation_action - "timeout", "ban", etc
	* @property {array} args - 
	* @property {string} created_by - 

	* Dev status events sent by TAPIC. All errors are sent to the console, this is strictly for non-errors. 
	* This will never probably have full coverage and is intended for use when modifying TAPIC.js itself. 
	* Therefore, probably don't listen to this topic in production. Or at all.
	* @event dev
	* @property {string} message - the message

/***/ }
/******/ ]);